Blog Tour: The American Queen ~ Vanessa Miller

Title: The American Queen
Author: Vanessa Miller
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by: Shakera
Genre:  Historical Fiction
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Date of Release: January 30, 2024
Pages: 366
Format: Paperback (Hear Our Voices)

This is a great start if you want to read about strong women during Women’s History Month.

When we think of the monarchy, we don’t associate it with America, but perhaps we should. Based on a true story, we learn about a monarchy that’s never talked about in any history lesson. This story teaches us a valuable lesson: hope. Queen Louella is strong and smart; you immediately feel her struggle from the first page. Miller paints this story with so much amazing imagery that you feel like you’re there with Queen Louella and her husband Reverend William.

I felt a range of emotions reading this book. I felt Louella’s hate and grief… William’s hope for many things: Louella’s heart and a better tomorrow, to name a few. But most importantly, I felt the urge to learn more. Louella evolves into the queen she is, and it is inspiring. I felt like I knew her personally like she was my ancestor.

We get to see former enslaved people have the dignity and respect that they deserve. This is a story that’s going to stick with me for a long time.

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