Sext Based Adventures ~ Francis Gideon

Current Read 2

What happens when fantasy meets reality? Sometimes you get more than you bargain for… other times, you don’t know WHAT to expect.

Meet Chris, works as a banking insurance agent that using online gaming to take his mind off of his reality. In an attempt to re-claim control of his life, he deletes his avatar.  But the sense of control he so thoroughly enjoyed pulls him back into that world.

With the control back in his hands as ‘Christina’, he finds his own world as attractive as ‘Jessica’, a new online friend.  ‘Jessica’ has a few secrets of her own.  Prepare to enjoy this gender-questioning, misanthropic adventure in a world where there’s a lot more than meets the eye!

This is such a quick read that I got through this book in 90 minutes. The concept is great and I look forward to reading more from Mr. Gideon.

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