Ghosts of Witch’s Past ~ Corinne O’Flynn


Title: Ghosts of Witches Past (Witches of Tower Hill, Book 1)
Author: Corinne O’Flynn
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by: Shakera
Genre: YA, Mystery, Paranormal
Publisher: Big Ink Books
Date of Release: February 20, 2017
Pages: 248
Format: Kindle (Author)

How far would you go to help save the child of an outcast family? What if that child was with your mother when she died? And the only way to solve her murder would be to unravel secrets of the past that tie the two families together. Would you still help? That is the problem presented to 17-year-old Waveria, affectionately known as Wavy to her family. Wavy can see ghosts and that starts her journey into the outside world, where she meets Niall, 17-years- old and child of the outcast family, The Tobins. Niall escapes a deadly plot to clear his family’s name at his expense. Together, Niall and Wavy must defy the odds (and their families) to solve the old murder mystery and save Niall’s life. It’s a race against the clock… can they crack the case and save Niall? If so, at what expense?

This was quite the enchanting story! As the story unfolds, you feel the magic flow throw your veins as you are transported with Niall and Wavy across the ocean and back in a race against the clock. This was great storytelling. Each character was interesting and kept you guessing… Friend or Foe? Ms. O’Flynn grabbed me from the first page and refused to let go and I’m so glad she didn’t! I can’t wait to read more!  (Psst… click the cover to purchase the book!)


I was voluntarily provided this ARC by the author for an honest opinion.

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