Creative Blogger Award

creative blogger

Thanks you to Emelie at BookGatherer for nominating me for this award, even though I don’t think I’m very creative 😉 Check out her post here.

The Rules:

Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
Pass these rules on to them

The Nominees:

Sound Of A Voice
CK Reads
Fictional Frustration
Book Geeking
Suganiya Rassiah
Written Word Worlds

(I confess… this isn’t 15 or anywhere close to 20, but I have found some new blogs to follow that absolutely amazing)

The facts:

  1. I am currently in the process of turning my closet into a library. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!
  2. I’m trying to set a personal goal of how many books I can read before June is over. I think I may have to change my Goodreads challenge.
  3. When I discover a new-to-me series, I have to binge-watch it… and right now, that’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
  4. I’m into pretty much every genre of books and music… Except the horror genre and heavy metal. Was never really able to get into them… Just saying.
  5. It’s weird, but I love Marvel comics… and mythology… one kinda has nothing to do with the other… but they do interest me 😉

Now I’m off to notifying all of you, because that’s what the rules say 🙂


  1. Aww.. thank you for nominating me 🙂 Thank you very much. Well, other than the first two facts I could totally be your twin. Good luck on that reading buddy


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